September 21, 2011

to miss you without being so damn cold all the time

It is so cold now even when it isn't, I cannot imagine a brand new life (without you, of course) you are a broken man who doesn't care and I am sad- I can't decide which is worst; you held every limb of mine almost too tightly but there is always a time to let go.

i always want to touch you to make sure you are still there- under the sheets with the snow falling, when I was dancing on your feet, up until the last moment where I lost all my words and had nothing left and still nothing mattered enough

I want you to kiss my knees and all the soft bones my body contains and this horrible curse of my softness, this amorous weakness which haunts me and thoroughly ruins me more each day. I don't like you-i don't like the soft kisses, because there is a time for ending and it has already passed and gone and i am left like i am robbed of the only thing i am capable of: my storytelling and your wayward arms.

1 comment:

lilly said...

Last sentence </3