January 26, 2011

Losing your soul in the US Embassy

Hello everyone, I bring some uncomforting and to a point, terrible news to what few readers I have left in this meandering space which I fill with nondescript words and undecipherable puzzles (yes there are puzzles). Anyway I'm about to embark on a more serious matter today in which I yearn to express my honest if not bizarre confusion that was thwarted upon me in the recent weeks.

My main point is that going to the US Embassy (in London) is like losing your soul. At this point, perhaps I should raise a disclaimer should I be somehow be liable for defamation/whatever else as I am simply expressing my perspective on this present issue; not excluding my still inherent confusion. So my metaphor is wholly apt, in my very humble opinion - having to give up a soul for a country or however you choose to ascribe it. Let me explain to you the present conundrum: I was supposed to attend a conference in Boston in February next month but have thrice, refused visitor visa into THE USA. Why is that so? Apparently under a section of their Immigration Act I have not demonstrated sufficient socioeconomic ties in UK.

At this point I might add, I have no lunging overwhelming desire to abandon life in London and scurry to make a living in US - which I think is what they fear most. Lawyers-to-be-19-year-olds who discard everything they have worked for to get into University of the Year 2010-11 (why that is, is an entirely different matter and that was also a joke if case you did not get it) and jump ship/plane/helicopters/whatever it might be into THE USA where I have no purpose at all to continue academically.

While I understand their (their being THE USA) concern over national security and probably illegal persons constantly trying to go into THE USA; why might I be the truly exceptional and rare case? That is my only confusion. Also, I like might to add that another member of my university delegation attending the same conference possessing extremely similar conditions to mine including nationality, enrolled in the same course and also in the same socialeconomic situation; that member has successfully attained a visa.

Of course I feel bothered and this is unjust, and I believe this is rightly justified.

That aside, I understand that of course, THE USA, like every other consulate, exercise the right to refuse visa by discretion. By hey, looking at the present circumstances, why is the outcome for two persons with the same disposition utterly different?! Surely it puzzles a reasonable person to no end that such an ordeal has happened! I speak with utmost disappointment and sorrowful anger, also a sad smiley face :( Also, note that I have tried this three times.

Now I would like to point out the way in which the consulate officer treated me. Prior to my last-ditch attempt, I thought the officer was being extremely stringent BUT NO. Third time, fate had me meet Lady Steel. Lady Steel was truly remarkable, I have to admit. LS proceeded to yell at me in a way to cause me great seconds of shock if not apprehend an immediate fear of violent in the case where she takes up her keyboard and monitor and hurl it straight to my face. Why did Lady Steel scream at me?! She also disgustingly threw words such as "NO I DO NOT NEED ANYTHING, ACTUALLY" and I am certain she said that with plentiful of distaste when I asked she wanted to see some documents. .... okay, Lady Steel, I get it. What is up with this yelling?

How threatening can one get, you might imagine. But Lady Steel in her steelish demeanor, razor-sharp tongue continued to hiss phrases like "ANSWER THE QUESTION", "if you do not answer me properly, I can assure you that this interview will end really quickly!" Now everyone, tell me if that does not properly scare you! Mind you, this was spoken in a decibel three times louder than usual... I had no choice but to apologize immediately in a sonorous yelp to Lady Steel. Hello, I am not a held under questioning as a suspect for a murder crime why are you shouting. at. me. I couldn't believe now in retrospect, I had actually apologized to her after the way she treated me like a suspect.

But what I'm getting at is... international students living in an EU country have limited rights they might as well not exist. Ok maybe that was an exaggeration but my point still stands. What could I do? Fly home to get a visa done?! Now I can truly say that I feel sincerely, that I am being discriminated against, due to whatever reasons THE USA and/or Lady Steel has against me. Sadface. Boo hoo. This is truly irrational and the most bizarre thing I have ever experienced ever. I have consulted several different persons, all with different level of experience, and have told me that this was similarly, a surprising result. Worst still, everyone keeps asking me to reapply because they too believe I should qualify. This unfortunately does not apply to me. So do I have any remedies? Sadly no. Lady Steel yelled at me and got away with it. Shame on you, Lady Steel.

I'd just like to say that I am beginning to lose any hope left I have for humanity. Democracy, social rights and all that crap - non-existent, I'm sorry. Also, there isn't any moral to this story. When I asked how to ensure my future application would be successful, Lady Steel just pointedly recited something I could have just as easily recite out of my law textbook thank you very much.

THE USA, I think you have besmirched whatever superpower name you had left.

The Great American Dream? I think not.

This is a melancholic period for me as most of the books I read/tv shows I watch are American and now I am skeptical of everything I read or hear from THE USA.


Dev said...

CHERIE! thats terrible!
what was the conference for? and i would have thought the US embassy would have been crazy in London:(
i hope you get a visa!

liquid_eyes said...

Lady Steel sounds de-lightful! :P
I can't understand why anyone wouldn't want you in their country Cherie.
Crossing my fingers and toes for you.
luv ema

Mei said...

What a pain in the butt that Lady Steel is :/
Well I hope if you do try again, it will be successful this time:D